Thursday, January 28, 2010


I have so many ideas spinning around in my head. I am using the whiteboard in the kitchen to collect the more promising ones. The girls have decided what they want on their Valentine shirts--minus the baby since she can't talk. And I have decided what is going on the boy's shirt--but I'm not telling him! I have to figure out his birthday shirt too, since it's 5 days after Valentine's Day. BUT...

My craft room is still full of stuff. I don't know how to organize it. I need to re-do a skirt I did for the girls. And I can't get to my sewing machine!

Our dryer is broken so we have borrowed one until we can buy our own. That doesn't seem like a problem, does it? Well, it is when the only outlet you can use for said dryer is behind the broken one and you have to vent it out the open door. Did I mention that they dryer is on the landing into what once was the garage? And it's January?! Not such a great time to have an open door in the house. So I washed all the laundry yesterday (because the washer still works but needs to be plugged into the dryer outlet) and worked on drying some of it last night. Today I finish and get the craft room cleared a bit so I can get to my machine! And I have to find my Heat N Bond!

Here is a picture of the Black Apple dolls I made the girls for Christmas. I modified the pattern after I made the dark haired one because the arms and legs were soooo hard to turn! And I stuffed that one very full so the baby would like chewing on it.
I did add white to the other dolls eyes so they don't look so dead :)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Busy, But Not So Productive

Sick kids. Sick me. So many chores to do...more like ignore! So I have been making tons of Valentine clips. Super easy to make, and can be mostly done while lounging on the couch.

Oval for everday wear--not that my girls wouldn't love to wear the hearts every day.
A small initial one for the baby
And an Elmo one for the 3 year old who loves her Elmo doll but could care less about any Elmo shows.
I rearranged my house and still need to find homes for all the things that accumulated in my bedroom. So my craft room is mostly storage once again. Maybe tomorrow I can tackle that...with a big garbage bag!

Friday, January 22, 2010


* One car--car window broken--middle of January.

* Dryer broken. Can't fix until end of next week.

* Hubby at work and school all the time!

* Sick baby

* Sick 3, 5 and almost 7 year olds

* Sore Throat

No motivation to do anything crafty, or even my regular chores--as evidenced by the mountain of clothes that have swallowed my couch. I just want to lay on the couch and take a nap.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Back in the Saddle

I am starting up the shop again. I have a couple of balls still for super sale in there and I am trying to get something new in there every day. Here are a couple of things I made this week. This is a changing pad I made out of a thick towel and some cute flannel material:
I got one with my diaper bag. It was cotton material on one side and terry cloth on the other. It is super cute but when I washed it, the cotton shrank like crazy so it is pretty mishappen. That won't happen with this one. I appliqued a matching flower on one corner for some added appeal. Squirt likes it.
I also made this diaper/wipes carrier. It holds 3 diaper and a wipes case. This is not going in the shop because I tried to have a snap closure but it was too thick for my snaps. So I opted for a button and elastic cord. Half of the snap (that I cannot get off!) is hidden under the flap. I quilted the front of it just randomly and i love how it turned out. Too bad my diaperbag will se it more than anyone else!
I hope to get a few balls sewn today and up in the shop. I don't have any girl choices in there right now. I am also changing things a bit in my shop. For every $20 worth of stuff I sell, I will donate either a ball or one of those adorable Black Apple dolls to the LDS Humanitarian Organization. It's something I can do.

So Much In My Head

There is so much that I want to much stuff to make. I just have to get it out of my head and made. It is a challenge for me, and I get so much satisfaction out of a project finished. I want a separate place that I can release my crafting insanity. So welcome to the new blog. I am trying to get some more things in my shop and refashioning all my old clothes for my girls. I knew there was a reason I had three girls. Thankfully ET will still let me sew some stuff for him. So right now, I am working on Valentine shirts and ET's birthday shirt--a skull with flames--what else? But my goal is to make them without buying anything. I am decorating with all the leftover stuff from last year:
My favorite thing to do is turn my old shirts into tunics/dresses for Thumbelina and Munchkin. So easy and so fast--and NO hemming! This is the one I made yesterday:
My craft room right now is the dining room table, a bookcase in the dining room, a closet in the playroom, and totes and bags in the storage/guest room. So everytime we want to use the table, I have to pack up all my stuff and move it. And if I get distracted half way through a project, there are scissors, pins and more scissors lying around for the kids to get into. So I wrangled the storage/guest room for my craft room! I took apart the bed today and finally set up the table my parents bought me for my birthday. Isn't it pretty?
Now I don't have to unplug my sewing machine everytime the dishwasher is on or if I need to iron. I don't have anywhere to store the bottom of the bed frame until Squirt is ready to use it so it has become my idea board.
And since I don't have a chair, I claimed one of our folding ones and recovered the seat. I got to use my staple gun--hubby will be so proud!

So now I just have to get the storage stuff organized so we can throw it up in the attic and then the room is all mine! (with the small exception of the kids' computer.) And the best part is the room has a key lock on the door. So if I am in the middle of a project and have to leave, like to make dinner or something, I can just lock the door and know it will be safe until I get back!