Thursday, January 14, 2010

Back in the Saddle

I am starting up the shop again. I have a couple of balls still for super sale in there and I am trying to get something new in there every day. Here are a couple of things I made this week. This is a changing pad I made out of a thick towel and some cute flannel material:
I got one with my diaper bag. It was cotton material on one side and terry cloth on the other. It is super cute but when I washed it, the cotton shrank like crazy so it is pretty mishappen. That won't happen with this one. I appliqued a matching flower on one corner for some added appeal. Squirt likes it.
I also made this diaper/wipes carrier. It holds 3 diaper and a wipes case. This is not going in the shop because I tried to have a snap closure but it was too thick for my snaps. So I opted for a button and elastic cord. Half of the snap (that I cannot get off!) is hidden under the flap. I quilted the front of it just randomly and i love how it turned out. Too bad my diaperbag will se it more than anyone else!
I hope to get a few balls sewn today and up in the shop. I don't have any girl choices in there right now. I am also changing things a bit in my shop. For every $20 worth of stuff I sell, I will donate either a ball or one of those adorable Black Apple dolls to the LDS Humanitarian Organization. It's something I can do.

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